Photo Texas Photography hopes this finds you and your families safe and healthy. With speculation on school re-openings, we want to assure you that we have been developing photography plans for in-school, virtual learning, and hybrid models. We want to be certain that we have communicated our plans completely to eliminate any concerns you may have regarding school pictures.
For schools where all students are in the building, we have instituted safety and sanitary protocols based on the Center for Disease Control recommendations. As in the past, in-school students will be photographed with adjustments for physical distancing, face coverings, and hand hygiene. Picture day will be extended from the opening of school to the end of the school day, allowing our photographers enough time to take the images and sanitize equipment. Students will not be seated when having their photos taken (unless physically unable to stand).
Families who have chosen distance/virtual learning or a hybrid model will also have the opportunity to have pictures taken through our unique photo process. Parents will have an opportunity to sign up through a scheduling link for an individual appointment. Parents may also pre-pay for photos on-line through an order link. Safety protocols and protective measures will be in place.
Our hope is that this communication will allay any concerns you have regarding school photography for the up-coming year. Please reach out to the company at 512-617-7780 if you have further concerns or wish to discuss how we will photograph your virtual learners.
Underclass Photo Day, Athletic Team images, etc.
● We will have signage in place to encourage social distancing while waiting for a turn at the camera.
● Photographers will not come in physical contact of any student and will stay behind the camera.
● Photographers will be in masks while students are present.
● Photographers will hold all camera cards. The student will tell the photographer his/her name and the photographer will match the card with the child’s name.
● All PTP staff will have their temperatures checked before reporting to work.
● Cameras and equipment will be disinfected daily
Our Employees
● Masks will be required for employees.
● Sanitizing stations will be available in all employee areas, and employees will be instructed to wash their hands throughout the day.
● To ensure limited physical proximity with clients, safe social distancing in the studio and at events will be expected.
● The number of employees traveling together in a car will be limited to two.
● If an employee is experiencing Covid-19-like symptoms and not feeling well, in accordance with The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act), Photo Texas will be providing paid sick leave.
Guest Recommendations
● Elderly family members or those with underlying health conditions are discouraged from accompanying the high school senior to our studio for their portraits.
● Masks will be required to come into the office.
● Anyone with underlying health conditions or with compromised immunity are asked to call our Customer Service department to book their session in private before our studio opens for the day. These special arrangements will be limited to two a day for Seniors to ensure maximum social distancing. Elderly family members are discouraged from accompanying seniors on these sessions. Photographers will be mandated to wear a mask during this session.
● Social distancing guidelines will be followed during sessions.
● Employees are asked to wash and sanitize hands often. We will have sanitizing stations throughout the office.
● Customers who feel sick, have a fever, are coughing, have difficulty breathing, or have been in close contact in the last two weeks with a person with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, are asked to stay home and reschedule appointments. Customer service will be available by phone or through our website for your convenience with rescheduling.
Studio Cleanliness Plan (Austin)
● To allow for safe social distancing amongst clients and employees, building occupancy will be limited to 50% ‘normal capacity’ upon re-opening the studio.
● All props used by clients will be wiped down and sanitized after every use. This includes exposure props and chairs.
● All apparel will be sanitized completely between every use.
● PTP will provide sanitizing stations throughout our office and studio, in both customer and employee areas.
● Laptops and studio cameras will be wiped down and sanitized every thirty minutes throughout the day.
● All event cameras and equipment that are returned from an event or shoot will be sanitized before being put away.